Calling all Seniors and Friends of Seniors to check out the Tillamook County Habitat for Humanity Affiliate Critical Repair Program.

Tillamook County Habitat for Humanity is gearing up for a year of impactful change! ๐Ÿกโœจ We are setting our sights on a mission close to our hearts - Critical Repairs. These repairs go beyond mere structures; they're a lifeline to hope, dignity, and security for families navigating housing challenges. And guess what? We need YOUR HELP to spread the word far and wide! Together, let's create a ripple effect of compassion and support that transforms lives.

Know someone who could benefit from our Critical Repairs program? ๐Ÿค” Whether it's a friend, neighbor, or someone you've crossed paths with, help us reach them. Share this post, tag them, or give them a friendly nudge to check out our website, (